Public Works
Curbside Leaf Collection
The Village will be picking up leaves in brown recyclable bags every 2nd week of the month starting April through June and again October through December. Leaf bags should be placed at the curbside no earlier than one week prior to pick up. Absolutely no grass clippings, sticks or plastic bags will be accepted. If found, bags will be left.
Recyclable bags will NOT be provided by the Department of Public Works (DPW). Residents MUST NOT bring debris or yard waste to the DPW building.
Curbside Brush Collection
The Village will be offering brush pick-up the 4th week of the month starting April through November. Brush should be placed at the curbside no earlier than one week prior to pick up. No stumps, logs, grass clippings, leaves, dirt, vines, weeds or other material will be accepted. Only brush and tree limbs will be picked up.
Said material must be placed at curbside neatly with cut ends toward the road and must not be more than 5 feet long by 4 feet wide and 4 feet high and nothing larger than 6 inches in diameter. Only 2 piles per household are allowed.
Christmas Tree Collection
The village will be picking up trees the 2nd and 4th week of January.